Rhino and Lion work with Zoologisk Have in Pilanesberg National Park. Two rhinos were de-horned and three lions were branded on the Black Rhino Reserve. All went really well, and the necessary work was completed successfully. Rhino’s in Pilanesberg are continuously dehorned for their protection. This forms part of the Parks’ rhino protection policy. All other security functions remain in place regardless of the rhinos being dehorned.
Lions are branded very subtly for identification purposes. In a few days these brands will look like little scars. The work is done with in collaboration with Joti Daya, a student at Nelson Mandela University. We were also joined by four of Tshwane University of Technology Nature Conservation students doing their work integrated learing (WIL) year with Pilanesberg. Copenhagen Zoo also participated, and they are one of the longest standing supporters of the Pilanesberg as well as the Pilanesberg Wildlife Trust. Thank you to our A-Team for a successful morning: Lottie Marais, Gerhardus Scheepers, Zodiac Dierekliniek, Heligame Services, Dolph Vd Merwe, Andrew Jackson, Steve Dell, and Wessel Wessels. To all that assisted and made this possible, thank you.